An Islamic Blog for Seekers of God & New Muslim Converts

Did Islam Start After Judaism and Christianity? Is Prophet Muhammad PBUH the Founder of Islam?

The Sincere Seeker

Contrary to popular belief, Islam is not a relatively new religion that came into existence only 1400 years ago, back in the 7th century. Islam, in truth, has existed since the first moment humankind set foot on Earth. The final Prophet of humanity, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, was not the founder of Islam--as many people mistakenly believe. Instead, he was sent as the last and final Prophet of God.  

He was delivered by God the Almighty to convey His universal and eternal message to our nation - the final nation. When Prophet Muhamad PBUH appeared, he did not bring a new religion. Instead, he cast light upon a faith that already existed. Prophet Muhammad PBUH renewed the preceding monotheistic religion, that which has been preached and taught by every previous Messenger and Prophet of God. 

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH was only the last and final Prophet, the very seal of the Prophets. Islam is the continuation, the culmination, and the completion of God's universal and eternal message to humanity, as revealed to all of God's previous Messengers and Prophets.

Like all previous Prophets and Messengers of God, Prophet Muhammad PBUH preached and taught Tawheed—the oneness of God. He taught that God Alone is worthy of worship and veneration and is the Creator of all. No other being is worthy of worship, not the Sun, the Moon, or idol.

 People have been practicing Islam since the creation of Prophet Adam PBUH. Throughout history, anyone who practiced monotheism, submitted to God's will, and followed the Prophet sent to them was considered a Muslim. Throughout the ages, God the Almighty sent Prophets and Messengers to guide and teach their nations in the way of Islam. All Prophets preached the same general message to their nations. All of God's Messengers and Prophets were Muslims by definition because the term Muslim translates to mean 'those who submit their will to God the Almighty.'

"He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back to Him" (Quran 42:13) 

All three major world religions–Islam, Christianity, and Judaism–portray the Prophet Abraham PBUH as an inspiring example of someone who submitted himself entirely to God and worshipped Him alone. As a result, the Prophet Abraham, PBUH, plays a prominent role in history and religion. 

The Holy Quran shares stories of Prophet Abraham's firm and steadfast belief in God. He is one who called and preached the oneness of God and rejected the idea of idolatry. However, he later faced various difficult tests and hardships God placed before him, testing his belief and loyalty.

The Holy Quran states that Prophet Abraham PBUH was neither a Jew nor a Christian. Prophet Abraham PBUH could not have been a Jew as the term Judaism originates from the name Judah, a name belonging to a man who resided in the land of Judea and was the grandson of Prophet Abraham PBUH. How could Prophet Abraham PBUH be a Jew if he was born before his grandson, for which Judaism was named? The term 'Judaism' is not found anywhere in the Torah.

Prophet Abraham PBUH could not have been Christian since Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Prophet Abraham PBUH was born before Jesus Christ. The term 'Christianity' is also not found anywhere in the Bible, nor has any Prophet, including Jesus Christ, ever acknowledged it. The word Christianity was introduced much later and never was spoken in the life of Jesus Christ.

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