Islamic Blog for New Muslims: Support for New Muslim Converts
About The Sincere Seeker
The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic blog and online bookstore dedicated to supporting new Muslim converts. Offering resources to help you connect with God, find your life’s purpose, and deepen your understanding of Islam, I provide Islamic books, articles, and videos tailored to guide and inspire your faith journey.
My aim is to provide accessible, engaging, and educational content for new Muslim converts (reverts). I strive to guide you on your spiritual journey, deepen your understanding of Islam, and strengthen your connection with Allah through the Noble Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
About Me
As the creator of The Sincere Seeker, I hold a secular degree from a U.S. university and developed this platform in my spare time. I am not an Islamic scholar, and my work is not a substitute for the expertise of knowledgeable scholars. My goal is to inspire those seeking to get closer to God and share the beauty of Islam’s teachings.
Islamic Blog for New Muslims: Support for New Muslim Converts
What is the Concept of Atonement in Islam? Is it Similar to That of Christianity? How Does One Seek Salvation from Hellfire & Enter Paradise?
Before we discuss the concept of atonement in Islam, it's essential to address Christianity's stance on how to seek salvation from hellfire and enter Paradise. Christians believe that every child is born with the taint of the original sin committed by our parents, Prophet Adam and Eve PBUT. The sin was committed when they disobeyed our Creator by eating from the forbidden tree. Christians believe that, since all men are born in a sinful state because of the actions of our distant ancestors, it is necessary to believe in atonement, the idea that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Christians believe that one can attain salvation, being saved from hellfire and entering Paradise, by simply accepting that Jesus Christ died for their sins, without the need for worshipping God, doing good deeds, or adhering to the Holy Law - because Jesus Christ fulfilled it for them.
To reiterate, Christians believe the commandments of God are worthless and need not be followed, as they can earn a free trip to Paradise by simply believing that Jesus Christ died for their sins. They believe one can live sinful without going to hell since Jesus Christ atoned for their sins. If all Christians need to do to reach Paradise is to believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins, then why do they bother learning the Bible or the teachings of Jesus Christ?
If Jesus Christ did die for our sins, he would have emphasized and taught this crucial detail. However, nowhere in the Bible did Jesus Christ explicitly stated that he would die to save humanity from sin. Christians say God sacrificed his only begotten son to save humanity, but if God owns the entire universe, why did God need to sacrifice Jesus? One sacrifices one thing for something else they could not obtain otherwise. But God is All-Mighty and can restore the life of Jesus Christ instantly, so by definition, that is not a sacrifice.
Not only is the concept of atonement not mentioned in the Bible nor taught by Jesus Christ, but Biblical verses contradict the concept of atonement and prove a fabrication. These verses state that no person is held responsible for another's sin, no parent is accountable for a sin committed by their child, and vice versa. That means we are not held accountable for the sins committed by our parents, Adam and Eve, PBUH.
"The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." (Deuteronomy 24:16). Take this passage: "The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child." (Ezekiel 18:20) It is stated in the Bible that the child will not share the guilt of the parent for any particular sin, nor will the parent share the child's responsibility for a sin!
Paul initiated the concept of atonement. Paul proved himself an enemy of Jesus Christ throughout his ministry. He claimed that Jesus Christ came to him in a dream, and only afterward did he become a believer. He then made radical changes to the religion that neither Jesus Christ nor the Bible describes or details! Why are Christians following the teaching of Paul and not Jesus Christ?
How did all of the previous, righteous Messengers and Prophets of God, such as Prophet Abraham, Moses, Noah, etc., go to Paradise if they did not accept Jesus Christ, one who did not die for their sins since he was not yet born, as their savior? Are these righteous Messengers and Prophets of God going to hell?! No, of course not! And why didn't these Messengers and Prophets of God know of or teach about the original sin and redemption? That's because these ideas were innovated by Paul and never taught by God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, or anyone.