An Islamic Blog for Seekers of God & New Muslim Converts

Do Islamic Inheritance Laws Favor Men Over Women? Why Do Women Receive Half the Inheritance Share of a Man?

The Sincere Seeker

“Allah commands you regarding your children: the share of the male will be twice that of the female. If you leave only two or more females, their share is two-thirds of the estate. But if there is only one female, her share will be one-half. Each parent is entitled to one-sixth if you leave offspring. But if you are childless and your parents are the only heirs, then your mother will receive one-third. But if you leave siblings, then your mother will receive one-sixth—after the fulfilment of bequests and debts. Be fair to your parents and children, as you do not fully know who is more beneficial to you. This is an obligation from Allah. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise” (Quran 4:11)

Islam is more than a religion; it is a way of life that guides humanity in all aspects of their lives, including providing guidance on inheritance. Islamic law allows a person to leave one-third of their assets to whomever they wish, as long as the beneficiaries are not amongst the remaining two third. The will is implied after the deceased's funeral expenses and outstanding debts are paid.

The remainder two-thirds goes to the beneficiaries listed in Chapter 4 of the Holy Quran—a passage that some non-Muslims find controversial. Whereas Chapter 4 states that the share of a male is twice that of a female, females do not always receive less than males in all circumstances. There are certain instances where both male and female beneficiaries receive the same amount, where women receive more than male and scenarios where females get a share and men get nothing. 

 In many religions, women do not inherit from their families in any circumstance. At many points throughout history, women did not inherit anything from their families. They were considered property, part of the inheritance estate needing to be married off and relocated. On the other hand, Islam gave women their inheritance rights, stating that their reasonability determines their share--and not their gender.

In some circumstances, females inherit half of what males inherit—but not on all occasions. There is logic and fairness to reinforce those instances in which males get a higher inheritance share than females—with these conditions given to us by our Creator, the All-Knowing, All-Wise, the All-Just. 

Because Islam has assigned males as the heads of the household, those who bear the family's financial burden, the men will often spend much of what they inherit back into the family. On the other hand, females are entitled to the entirety of their inheritance and wealth--and their husband's wealth. Women can keep 100% of their inheritance without spending or sharing it with anyone--even if they are wealthy and their husband is poverty-stricken. 

God has chosen men to be the guardian of their wives and family, whom they must look after and to whom they must provide food, clothing, shelter, etc. The man must care for and provide for those closest to him. For instance, a husband needs to look after his wife and offspring; if he passes away or neglects his duty, the next man in a woman's life will need to step up and care for the family, whether it's the adult son or the brother of the woman. It's important to stress once again that the reasonability of the sexes determines the share of an inheritance, not the gender.

As a clarifying example, suppose the parents of a son and daughter die, leaving fifteen thousand dollars behind. The daughter would inherit five thousand dollars by edict of Muslim law, and the son would inherit ten thousand dollars. However, if she is unmarried, the brother would have to share the $10,000 with his family, including his wife, children, and even his sister.

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